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Stop Motion of Einstein

Evolving Education

Episode 11: Bottle Fountain Air Pressure

Act 2 | Material Required | Einstein in his lab:

For this experiment we need 3 things .

  1. A Tray
  2. A bottle filled with coloured water
  3. A pin

So let’s go!

Conducting the Experiment:

  1. Begin with the bottle filled with water. Punch 4 holes along the waist of the bottle. Einstein holds the pin inside and asks - What do you think? Will the water flow out of this hole?
  2. Let’s test it out. Wow! That’s surprising. The water should flow out but it's not. Why is this happening? Ah! Got it! The bottle cap.
  3. Open the cap. Woah! There goes the water.
  4. Let’s try putting the cap back on.

Scientific Principle and Application

Question: So can you guess, what stopped the water from coming out of the bottle?

Let me give you a hint - the answer is all around you. That’s right - Air! The air around the bottle, puts pressure on the holes pushing the water back in.

Now I know what you’re thinking - Air is so light then how can air put pressure? Let’s not forget that even though we can not see air, air is made up of tiny little particles which occupy space. Anything that occupies space has mass. And mass has the power to put pressure.

Don’t believe me? Check this out.

When we tie two balloons at the ends of a stick and fill one with more air than the other. The stick tilts towards the balloon filled that has more air. This happens because the balloon that has more air has more mass And More mass = More pressure. Hence, proven, the more the air, more is the pressure. But still, isn’t air lighter than water?

Then how can the pressure of air be greater than the pressure of water? Consider this, on one hand we have all the air around this bottle putting pressure on the holes from the outside. On the other hand we have only this much water putting pressure on the holes from inside.

Who do you think will win? All the air around the bottle or the water inside the bottle? That’s right! The pressure around this bottle is greater than the pressure of water inside the bottle, therefore, in this case, air pressure wins, pushing the water back in.

But, what happens when we open the bottle cap? When we open the bottle cap, we let all the air above the bottle enter and put pressure on the water from the top. In this way, both air and water together put pressure on the holes from the inside. And This double pressure of air and water is greater than the pressure of the air on the outside.

And In this case, the double pressure wins, making the water come out of our bottle fountain. From balloons to the tires of our car, we can see air occupying space everywhere. And we know, that Air has mass. And mass has the power to put pressure.

And In this case, the double pressure wins, making the water come out of our bottle fountain. From balloons to the tires of our car, we can see air occupying space everywhere. And we know, that Air has mass. And mass has the power to put pressure. Toodles!

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